Friday, July 19, 2013
She's back in the blogging game!
I have to bag them up so I only eat a serving, cuz WAMMMMOOOO Addicting!
Flavored Almonds!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Earn your TV time
I was sick of my daughter feeling like she earned TV shows whenever she darn well wanted. She was cranky from too many shows, and I was done with feeling like she gets anything she wants. So, this chart.....she has to do the things before she gets a show. And we will do 3 shows, or 1.5-2 hours of TV max every day. Woo Hoo! Hope it works! I will laminate it, and she will check things off as she goes throughout the day.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Work out Obsession 2011

I am currently obsessed with Chalene johnson’s newest kick bootie work out called Turbo fire!
Reasons you may ask?
1- Time efficient! I can get a seriously awesome work out in 20 minutes!
2- Berkely likes watching the “fire” light up, and won’t give me grief about ignoring her while I do it!!
3- The music and energy is inspiring. I really do jump higher when she says too.
4- Face paced…challenging..
5- It is a H.I.T. (high intensity training)
6- There are 11 dvds to chose from, variety baby!
7- I have seen a huge difference in my strength from doing this work out.
8- it is a blast. It is a fat blast and a FUN, rockin’ good times bLAST!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Activity Calendar Cards
Here are the new activity calendar cards that I made for the activity board. I can't wait to modge podge them on the wood slates, slip them in their little day of the week, and take pictures to show how it turns out.

How did I ever live without photoshop?
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Quotes to FRAME
You are welcome to right click and steal any of these images! I am living by these quotes right now in my life. Trying to make my days more meaningful and in turn MY LIFE more meaningful!

Sorry for neglecting this blog.
My obsessions are getting higher up on my priority list.
AND FOR VALENTINES PRINT OUTS (I will be uploading them to Walgreens tomorrow!)
Check out these free cute LOVE song lyric cards at Emilie Handmade!
LOVE THE February SUBWAY ART at Today's Fabulous Finds. So many color options!

Monday, September 6, 2010
Simple Upgrade. But Darling.ab
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Last week's bows

I finally tried some bows from this amazing blog with tutorials!
My favorite right now is the ones like #4. The bunching kind, that you sew a loose running stitch on one end, and gather the strings.
Obviously (from lack on posting), my random acts of obsession have NOT been in the crafting arena. My obsessions have been taken over by normal mom duties that I neglect during the school year, and since summer is coming to an end, we are trying to spend as much time together now as we can!