Sunday, April 24, 2011

Work out Obsession 2011

I am currently obsessed with Chalene johnson’s newest kick bootie work out called Turbo fire!

Reasons you may ask?

1- Time efficient! I can get a seriously awesome work out in 20 minutes!

2- Berkely likes watching the “fire” light up, and won’t give me grief about ignoring her while I do it!!

3- The music and energy is inspiring. I really do jump higher when she says too.

4- Face pacedchallenging..

5- It is a H.I.T. (high intensity training)

6- There are 11 dvds to chose from, variety baby!

7- I have seen a huge difference in my strength from doing this work out.

8- it is a blast. It is a fat blast and a FUN, rockin’ good times bLAST!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have done Turbo Jam and loved it, and I'm sure Turbo Fire is intense. Good luck with the workouts.


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