I have the worst habit of ending my crafting efforts in a wham-bam-thank-you-mam, type of clean up. That means I just throw EVERYTHING into a tote (I am a tote-a-holic), and put the tote in my closet and move on to cleaning the rest of the toddler mayhem that is always waiting for me. Well, these ribbon totes have been screaming at me to organize them.

I kept staring at my Giant Tide Box from Costco, wondering what to do with it. I decided to cut a side off, modge podge some paper and ribbons to it, and think some more. I was going to turn it into a barbie house, but that didn't work. I need something bigger for that.

Here is my ribbon in all it's GLORIFIED, HORRIFIED mess.

And here it is in the tide box. A few holes, a few dowells, and now it is organized. It is not too fancy, I know, but it was basically free, and provides me with a little sanity.

so cute...you are so crafty!